FAQs & Testimonials

What kind of certification do you require of your teachers?

Teachers must have ACSI certification or be in the process of completing it.

What degrees/certification do the BCS administrators hold?

Our Head of School & Principal both have  a Masters in Educational Leadership. 

How do you determine what curriculum is used in the classrooms?

We review every grade, every subject, every year. We gather information from the teachers and yearly SAT test scores to determine our areas of strengths and weaknesses, always seeking to improve.

Do you use any secular textbooks? Why or why not?

We prefer Christian textbooks, presenting information from a Biblical worldview. Secular textbooks are used cautiously and purposefully (Saxon math is an example).

What is the vision for the future?

We are excited about growing as 1Family. Some future plans we have include, expanding our childcare program with plans to open a 1/2 day Preschool/Pre-K class; offering fine arts and sports camps in the summer; broadening our music class offerings with orchestra classes being offered 3rd through 12th grades; continuing our partnership for dual credit college classes for juniors and seniors; and striving for excellence in all areas of our program. 

Are families required to attend the church?

We ask that families attend a like-minded church so that church, school, and home all work together in training up Godly young men and young ladies.

How is Biblical integration incorporated in the classrooms?

Biblical integration is not just a Bible verse tacked on to the end of a lesson plan. Biblical integration is woven throughout a teacher’s lesson plan and classroom interaction. There are teachable moments all day long, and our teachers are trained to make the most of those opportunities.

Do you have documented standardized achievement scores?

Yes we do! We have a notebook that shows yearly scores by grade and class. Our students do exceptionally well, typically one to two grade levels or more above their public school counterparts.

What about class size?

We consider 24 to be the acceptable cap for elementary classes, with most classes being smaller. Most classes are between 15 and 24 for elementary, and between 10 and 24 for secondary.

Is Christian education affordable?

Yes! We are one of the lowest tuition rates in the Denver area. We offer tuition assistance to those that qualify. For childcare, we take CCAP (Colorado Childcare Assistance Program).

In order to encourage loyalty and a long-term partnerships with our families, we initiated a plan to reward families for committing to Belleview – The Longer You Stay, the Less You Pay! Despite annual tuition increases, families who re-enroll in February for the following school year lock in their tuition rates based on the rate sheets of the year they locked in, saving hundreds of dollars during your family’s time at Belleview!
